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Groove Machine / Hot Shot

Geto Mark

Fresh Meat Records
FMR112 | 2024-06-07  
Geto Mark returns with his latest offering on Fresh Meat Records, delivering a two-track release that pays homage to the golden years of disco house: the 90s. In "Groove Machine" and "Hot Shot," Mark channels the red-hot jacking sound that defined the era, infusing it with his style and classic production techniques.

Mark's dedication to authenticity shines through in his choice of equipment for this release, eschewing modern digital production tools in favor of classic hardware. Armed with an MPC 2000 sampler/sequencer and the revered Electrix Filter Factory Analog Filter, he crafts tracks that have a raw and resonant sound characterized by wild sweeping textures and gritty analog warmth.

Both tracks are relentless dancefloor burners, clocking in at over 130 BPM and brimming with energy. "Groove Machine" and "Hot Shot" boast swinging lo-fi drums, thunderous kicks, and infectious bass lines that propel the listener into a frenzy of movement. Mark weaves in 70s-era music and vocal samples, adding to the tracks' nostalgic charm and capturing the essence of raves in the Midwest during the late 1990s.

Close your eyes and imagine a sprawling warehouse bathed in darkness, pulsating with the thump of bass and the glow of laser lights. "Groove Machine" and "Hot Shot" serve as the perfect soundtrack to this scene, evoking memories of crowded dancefloors and carefree nights spent lost in the music. With this release, Geto Mark proves once again that he is a visionary of the 90s revival, transporting an era to modern dancers who keep the spirit of the dancefloor alive and kicking.

Composed, produced, and mixed by Mark Almaria.
Mastered by Maziar Namvar.
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2024 Fresh Meat Records

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