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The Remixes


Hooj Choons
HOOJ170 | 2024-03-15  
Rowan Blades and Simon Noble's late 90's Breeder bombs Tyrantanic, Twilo Thunder and The Chain, recently underwent hundreds of quality remixes via a public vote /online competition. After much participation / deliberation, The People's Progressive Committee (INTNL) spoke.

We're not hugely surprised that two of the victorious production outfits hailed from South America. Over the last 25 years, the region's established itself as an epicentre of progressive house's enduring global reach, helped along the way no doubt by charismatic ever present Hernan Cattaneo. And the big man himself has already been playing Argentinian duo Freedo Mosho and Maze 28 remix of Tyrantanic, with it's moody build, explosive breakdown and big ass kick in, all enhanced by understatedly high production. A worthy winner.

Mexico City DJ / Production duo (Jonas) Zstimer & (Chanock) Wru are long established players in that exuberant City, and their widescreen remix of The Chain feels custom built for lazer driven night life : a rolling, funk inflected groove, topped off by lazer driven synths that feel like they'd work in an Italo set as well as any progressive one.

Rounding things off, Stoke on Trent / UK veteran Lee Jordan goes off down a different path, adding stepping breaks to 'Twilo Thunder' and a welcome alternative to the 4/4 assault.

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