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Cabo Verde

Polyrhythm, 4Rain

PPP012024 | 2024-03-08  
In the dynamic world of electronic music, the new EP by PolyRhythm and 4Rain emerges as a beacon of imaginative synergy and a celebration of artistic progression. This release is a fusion of 4Rain's vibrant Afro rhythms and PolyRhythm's unique Afro-Latin beats, creating an Afro-tech sound that resonates with both novelty and recognition.
This collaboration is rooted in a profound and shared passion for music that has been a part of both 4Rain and PolyRhythm's lives since their early years. More than just producing music, their journey is about creating a lasting legacy with their distinctive musical styles.
A special element of this EP is the lead track, 'Cabo Verde.' This title pays homage to 4Rain's Cape Verdean heritage, infusing the EP with a genuine sense of cultural and musical identity. This track isn't just a part of the album; it's a story in itself, reflecting the artists' backgrounds and musical journeys.
Overall, this EP represents more than just a blend of sounds; it's a blend of diverse experiences, inspirations, and dreams. It stands out in the electronic music scene as a testament to the unifying power of music, illustrating how varied influences can merge to create a sound that is both distinct and universally appealing.
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