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The Cure (Inc Coflo Remix)

Shawn Lucas, Rainie Lassiter

Makin Moves
MAKIN127 | 2020-10-16  
Makin' Moves! This time presenting the beguiling and highly captivating vocals of Rainie Lassiter (formally from the group De' Lacy). Here we have another unique display of 'from the heart' lyrics which sound so sweet sonically. The track originally produced by Shawn Lucas shows off his writing and production skills on the strings and knowingly how to create and adapt to bring the best out of Rainie's unforgettable vocal.
Also we would like to welcome Coflo to the MM family who's supplied a subliminal remix infused with his original Afro-Brazilian style house. Which stays true to the American style house yet sends such a vibe for any house dancer or listener. Makin' a big name for himself and is no stranger to the scene producing this music we love. We hope you enjoy this meaningful song as much as we do. Makin' Moves


Performed by Rainie Lassiiter

Written By : Shawn V. Lucas. Publishing: Ga Vi Am St Publishing (ASACAP)

Produced by Shawn V. Lucas.

Remix performed by Coflo (CatchTheGhostRecords)

Executive Producers : Matt LS & Jamesey

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